(780) 429-2330


The College of Alberta Denturists exists pursuant to the Health Professions Act and administers its responsibilities in accordance with applicable law.

The governing body of the College is its Council.  Council consists of:

  • Five regulated members – elected by the regulated membership
  • Five public members – appointed by the Lieutenant Governor (currently awaiting appointments)

Council sets the strategic direction for the College which is administered by College staff.

Council Selection

Council has opened the process of selecting a new denturist Council member for a term to begin January 1, 2025.

If you are a denturist, registered on the College’s general register, with at least three years’ experience, please consider this opportunity.

The first step is submitting your expression of interest – the form may be found here: Expression of Interest

From there, you will be contacted by the College for next steps.

Council Meetings


Council meets a minimum of four times per year.

2024 Meeting Dates

  • February 2, 2024
  • May 24/25, 2024
  • September 13, 2024 (Edmonton)
  • November 22, 2024 (Calgary)

Membership Meeting

The 2024 Membership Meeting will be held in the fall of 2024.


As per the College Bylaws, Council meetings are open to observers unless otherwise directed by Council.

Please know that meetings will be open to observers in the format which the Council meeting is being conducted. Requests to observe must be received by the College, at info@abdenturists.ca, no later than 15 working days from the established meeting date. Please review the following documentation if you wish to observe a meeting.

Observer Rules of Order
Request to Attend
Confidentiality Agreement


Meeting minutes are drafted by staff and approved by Council at their subsequent scheduled meeting. Approved meeting minutes, for the most recent year, are posted here.

College of Alberta Denturists
405, 10408 124 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5N 1R5

© 2024 College of Alberta Denturists